Soltellus™ Polymer: The Water Treatment Solution For Clearer Pipes & Less Maintenance
Every day for plant managers and operators might involve a water process pipe that’s corroded. This is not only frustrating, but the costs and time involved in shutting the facility down for repairs can be substantial.
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With Sotellus™ polymer, you can take control of continually changing process conditions and prevent corrosion or buildups of flow-restricting scale.
Our polyaspartate product is a biodegradable alternative to common antiscalant and corrosion inhibiting chemicals that is effective at very low dosages.
In this eBook, you’ll discover:
- Why we’ve introduced Soltellus™ polymer for water process pipes
- How Soltellus works to prolong equipment life
- High-potential applications and industries for Sotellus
- How this ingredient can improve product formulations
- Key areas for ROI with Sotellus
- The difference when working with Lygos
Download now to learn how Soltellus can eliminate scale and corrosion in your pipes and improve your operation’s productivity.